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K K Muhammed Abdul Sathar

K K Muhammed Abdul Sathar completed PhD on ‘The History of Ba Alawis’ from Calicut University in 2002. He is the Head of the History department in PSMO College, Tirurangadi. He has also worked as the member of faculty of Humanities and Mahakavi Moyinkutty Vaidya Smaraka Committee

K K Muhammed Abdul Sathar completed PhD on ‘The History of Ba Alawis’ from Calicut University in 2002. He is the Head of the History department in PSMO College, Tirurangadi. He has also worked as the member of faculty of Humanities and post – graduate Board of Studies, of the University of Calicut. He is a member of the Mahakavi Moyinkutty Vaidya Smaraka Committee (Cultural Department, Govt. of Kerala) ‘His the Secular culture: The Malappuram Experience’ was earlier published in Indian History Congress’s Souvenir 2007. He has contributed to Syed Fazl: Adhinivesha Virudha Sanidhyam (Syed Fazl: An anti – colonial presence) – a Malayalam title on Syed Fazl. His article titled Memburam Tangals and communal Harmony: A critique perception, was published in the south Indian History Congress Proceedings 2004.